Sunday, November 8, 2009

Does Our President and Congress Know This To Be True?

it is of great importance to set a resolution, not to be shaken, never to tel and untruth. There is no vice so mean, so pitiful, so contemptible; that he who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier the second and the third time; til at length it becomes habitual; he tells lies without attending to it, and truths without the world believing him. This falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart, and in time deprives all it's good disposition....Thomas Jefferson

Do they understand that the majority of American people are not so blind as to see the deceitfulness of their actions. This health care bill is not about politicians caring for our health with the injection of amendments, not concerning our health at all in their bill.
Jeffersons words have never rung clearer when he stated, "When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty"

God Bless America and keep us free!