Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Thoughts on the Proposed Mosque near Ground Zero

The debate on the mosque is heated with both sides politically believing they are right on this issue. Perhaps there are good points on both sides of the aisle. However this libertarian viewpoint is that they do have the right to build on private property wherever they wish. The only problem I see is the insensitivity toward 9/11's victims to build in this location. I find it hard to believe that the planners will be able to find anyone who would agree to work on this project.

Nancy Pelosi may want to investigate me for personally thinking to build there when we have not healed as a nation from this travesty is just wrong. So yes, I do oppose the building of the mosque in the said location. I am also angered at there so-called "moderate" Imam Rauf who has blamed us for being an accessory to what happened on that fateful day in 2001. He stated, and I quote,"I wouldn't say that the United States deserved what happened, but the United States policies were an accessory to the crime that happened; because the United states has been ab accessory to a lot of innocent lives dying in the world! In fact it... in the most direct sense, Osama Bin laden was made in the U.S.A." This coming from a man who refuses to name Hamas as a terrorist organization, and is committed to bringing Sharia law to America! As a woman I would not be thrilled to be treated worse than a dog.

Why is ground zero the only choice for this mosque? Is tolerance not a two way street?