Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Health Care Bill, Government Takeover?

I Read the House Bill HR 3200, and I highlighted certain areas. I found many false assertions. The so-called "Public Option" argument made by many on the left is very deceptive. The total bill is all about taking over not only our health care, but micromanaging it and many other aspects of our lives.
Nancy Pelosi claims that to assure competition and choice in health care the "public option" will remain in any bill Congress would pass. This doublespeak would be laughable if it weren't so scary.
There is no question this bill and the others that evolve from it would result in the government controlling every one's lives, and their health care, except of course, the Congress and the wealthy. Businesses will have no alternative but to look at their financial bottom lines and elect to dump their employees on the government-sponsored program.
If my own personal physician is not appointed by the government medical governing boards, I will forbidden to access his services. ALL tests and the ability to see specialists would be strictly controlled by task forces and various government entities too numerous to delineate without utter confusion.
All profit motives that assure competition and choice are gone from the whole system, and medical innovation is stifled. The projections of yearly increasing expenditures for each of the new bloated bureaucratic entities are not based on anything!
Even the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) blows the whistle on the wild and crazy accounting, or lack thereof, in this nihilistic monstrosity.
The passage of this bill would result in nightmares of red tape, destruction of our collective health, and the probable bankruptcy of our country.
This is a terribly dehumanizing bill. For instance; I will not be readmitted to a hospital for the same illness more than twice because of statistical restraints imposed on all hospitals.
Rationing is insured!
This bill wrests command of all existing health care insurance plans, hospitals, residency programs, doctors, nurses, and nursing homes. It dictates IRS code changes and creates a policing entity to spy on people and enforce compliance.
America will be collectively committing suicide if any sliver of this chaotic mess is bullied through.
There is nothing in it that could possibly result in good health care.

Obama is: One Bad Ass Mistake America!

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