Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mark Lloyd A Danger to Our Freedom of Speech?

The New FCC diversity Chief would eliminate the opinions of those on the political right. When any one segment of the population is isolated and targeted, and a personal attack on their rights, it all comes from the playbook for radicals, authored by the manipulator of people, Saul Alinsky. This is the man who taught Obama the art of community organizing. Inspired by Alinsky, Mark Lloyd would take away our rights, amendment by amendment. Is this part of the change Obama has promised?, by Matt Cover, wrote the whole story
Mark Lloyd the Chief Diversity officer of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is a threat to our very freedom. Another good source to look into is at the following:

God save America and her future generations.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, oppression of alternate views is part of the change Obama promised.
