Saturday, July 24, 2010

Again the Taxpayers will be footing the bill for the Unemployment Benefit extension

The bill has been authorized to resume jobless benefits for our nations long-term unemployed.

I do not begrudge this good news to those affected by this bill, but there will be a price to pay down the line.

The worst part of this extension is that it is not being paid for by funds such as the unused stimulus.

It will be funded by more deficit spending that will add millions, if not more, to our national debt.

The Senate Republicans tried to get the Democrats in the Senate to act fiscally responsible, but it all fell on deaf ears.

So, it looks like we will again be lambasted by the Obama administration, and big government will hand out more cash to people in their weak attempt to prop up the economy. This will naturally hurt the generations to come through increased taxes to pay off the debt of this presidency.

I do support the extension of these benefits, but do not understand why the Democrats felt they had to put us yet deeper into a debt with a budget now exceeding $4 trillion dollars.

All this spend, spend, spend by Obama and the Democratic Congress will, without a doubt bring us into a longer recession and necessarily hurt businesses, both big and small.

The government does not create jobs, and spending on this bill, and other wasteful pork will not put Americans back to work!

Will we have change in November from some new faces in the Senate and Congress who will be accountable in addressing the economy?

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