Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Is Obama a Celebrity that is out of touch with the American people?

I would appreciate any views on this subject. Obama made a speech recently stating that he understands our plight. He referred to the time a few years back when he struggled with his young family. As a man who has never held a real job, and has had assets in excess of $5 million, I am wondering how he can really relate to the average citizen.

Obama has apparently been sheltered his entire life. Too many details have really been obscured. I wonder how he traveled so extensively from the time of his youth, through college and his days of community organizing. Just who did foot the bill? Was it his grandparents or did he have a very wealthy mentor?
The average American has not had the opportunities afforded Obama, so how can he truly relate to the everyday obstacles we are confronted with?

Most of us struggled to get jobs, and pay our own way through college, even taking semesters or years off to be able to afford our education. I do not begrudge anyone who has had to work hard to earn what they have, and Americans are proud of their sacrifices to get ahead. As a people we have become stronger through sacrifice.

Since Obama has never had to sacrifice, I doubt that he has the strength or the fortitude to succeed as most Americans.

So exactly how is he in-touch with America?


  1. Very timely post, Moody.
    The recent trip my Michelle Obama to Spain is a great example. The Obamas are celebrities who are out of touch with reality.
    Anyone remember when W. stopped golfing during his presidency? He received criticism and though he knew nothing would change, he had the smarts to stop.
    President Obama, and his wife, have no sense when it comes to these matters. Obama golfs more than Bush ever did. Still wars going on. Big oil spill down there. And the First Lady takes a trip to Spain, funded at least partially by tax payers, while our economy is in ruins. Do they have any sense?
    I guess the difference is you can be that way when you're never called to the carpet for anything. The media will continue to make excuses and/or leave them alone. It's up to us, when we vote, to tell them what we think.

  2. Thanks JsD,
    Things just keep getting better and better for Obama, but the travsty is it gets worse and worse for the American people. Now he is supporting the Muslims over common sense respect, sensitivity and dignity for those lost on 9/11.
    Just when will the insanity cease to exist in this administration?
